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Gta V clash Watch dogs : How do they really compare !

While GTA V and Watch Dogs are unmistakably diverse amusements, their open world situations, mission-based structure, and character-driven storylines bring about their gameplay frequently converging. On account of that, I thought I'd analyze how they investigate when they do.

My correlations are focused around very nearly five hours of playing Watch Dogs (and obviously a lot of people, numerous hours playing GTA V), so this is not an authoritative examination by any methods. Rather, its a greater amount of depiction of how it feels entering Watch Dogs' Chicago surroundings in the wake of investing time in Los Santos

City and Environment:
Watch dogs: 8 pts
Gta V : 9 pts
Watch dogs may be graphically superior but Gta V have a massive world with mind blowing Topology

Tone and style:
Watch dogs: 7 pts
Gta V : 8 pts
Both games have Great way of expressing characters and story but again Gta v leads coz it have more funny
entertaining and violent style.

Storyline characters :
Watch dogs : 8 pts
Gta V : 8.5 pts
both titles are trmendous when it comes to main characters phsyco,eccentric,energetic,slutty characters are present in both games Gta v may have some minor lead due to entertainment criteria but it is quite minor.

The city's resident and ppl:
Watch dogs : 9 pts
Gta V : 8 pts
Watch dogs take the lead in this field due to its outstanding interactive world , hacking into anyone make it much joyable than Gta v.

Watch dogs : 7 pts
Gta V : 9 pts
Well its quite obvious from gameplay that Watch dog lags behind Gta V ,nothing to discuss its clearly noticable.

Watch dogs : 8 pts
Gta V : 9.9 pts
Watch Dogs’ multiplayer approach is a novel one. There are ways that you can essentially invade another player’s game and challenge them to a hacking duel. It’s interesting, and I’m looking forward to experimenting more. There are also car races, and other one-on-one activities like tailing an individual in an attempt to get information from them. However, none of this compares to GTA V’s far more comprehensive multiplayer system that supports a vast range of activities and possibilities.

Overall winner :
Gta v !!!!

Note: This comparison was based on majority reviews and opinions .It may vary for every individual!

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