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Details for Upcoming Xeon Phi Processors (The Knights)

Intel Processors are widely used all around the world,An do you guys know the fastest Supercomputer in the world is powered by Xeon Phi Processor which is about to have a new successor .
Intel announced some epic news on its new upcoming chip,they stated it would have 3 times more power and low juice consumption.Xeon phi is part of the world's HPC computers designed specially for accelerator boards powered by AMD and NVIDIA.
The chip have fifty x86 designated processing cores with super fast GDDR5 memory interface,These cores can be used to port softwares at rapid speed,Without involving a new architecture,The chip would be in socket format and will introduce us with Intel's best edge tech ever seen.Intel announced chip would have intel's omni scale fabric technology which will provide speedy communication along cores efficiently and a high speed OSF attached directly to the box ,Intel will unite OSF with 14nm xeon chips.
'Knights Landing will be the first true many-core processor to address today's memory and I/O performance challenges,' claimed Intel's Charles Wuischpard at the event. 'It will allow programmers to leverage existing code and standard programming models to achieve significant performance gains on a wide set of applications. Its platform design, programming model and balanced performance makes it the first viable step towards exascale.'
New Gen Xeon processors would have 16gb TSV memory included with the package,The earliest models would have 60 cores and improvement of 3 teraflops in total due to its recently designed architecture and efficiency.

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