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Intel is trying to make 4k resolution monitors less than $400

Most of the pc gamer haven't adopted true 1080p in gaming and tech is advancing towards 4k resolution,Era of gaming is doing progress day by day and introducing superior gaming experience.But the problem is about the price.Price of these monitors are extremely high,so it cant be considered as a daily standard.Intel is now working with several companies in order to make it cheaper and usable for everyone.
Intel is working with Viewsonic and TPV to introduce budget monitors for our use,said Kirk Skaugen senior vice president and general managerof the pc client group.Intel is also working ward with MSI for making all in one pc under $999.Intel is also working with Wibtec,Mitac ,Loop and Hibertek.
Prices for these ultra quality 3840 x 2160 monitors are $700 now a days but it is decreasing with time lets hope best from Intel and wait for budget Gaming monitors.

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