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Minecraft soon coming to PS4 : Bunnies YAY!

Minecraft new update 1.8 hit the game recently with awesome new updates,And 4j studios is busy porting minecraft to : Ps4,Xbox one and ps vita .
They come online very less these days due to upcoming E3,they have plenty of work to do now to announce Minecraft for all these platforms.Minecraft is an awesome game it is about survival in nasty world and fun,played by billion of people online around the world.Multiplayer is a true entertaining part of the game.
The pic that you can see above is cute isn't it ? You think bunnies coming to minecraft?Yup its true creatures in the pic are coming to the game but it was rumoured that they are new hostile in game actually they are
some sort of underwater creature and deadly too!
still confused that they look cute?well same for me,we can say nothing about it truth will unveil with time.

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