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Murdered:Soul suspect is boring !

Most of the hit games are already been released,Now it was turn of Murdered :souls suspect which has having much positive power.But unfortunately game is not that well as suspected,Game is about a detective Ronan Connor who had been killed during his investigation.Now he is finding his killer and seeking for revenge.Having ghost powers doesn't mean game would be just walk in a park there would be demons and creatures who will hunt on you.

The above story is quite interesting about gameplay but in reality it differs completely,First of all game is not challenging it is easy as hell.Anyone can beat it withing hours with no efforts and thinking.Investigation games are actually based upon our power of thinking and creativity but game offers very limited use of brain.Mysteries and puzzles are extremely easy which make game quite not fun!.
Ghosts powers at start are great to use but with the passage of time it also falls short on variety and make game even more boring.
Gameworld is pretty small and non living ,What i really meant is that gameworld is limited and highly restricted.You always are forced to stick to the story while playing.And characters are dull and lame in the game.Here I would pack whole game in three words:

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