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Nvidia Vs Amd : War Of Nasty Words

Nvidia and Amd Both are World class Brands providing Gaming Experience since years,A gamer can never imagine a world without Both Companies.Both Red team and green team are rivals in the world of gaming and competition between them is quite interesting.Its not an odd thing to hear some nasty words from the opponent previously these top class stated some rough words against each other:
Nvidia: “If AMD spent as much time working on their drivers and actually making investments in gaming than they did talking about us, then maybe their customers would not be stuck with sub-par gaming experiences in today's cutting-edge titles."
Amd : Gave answer by list of new gen game of which they are part of Battlefield Hardline,Dragon Age:inquisition,Civilization:beyond Earth and star citizen.
Nvidia:“it would be impossible for us to maintain a current list” of its GameWorks partnered titles as it's such a far-reaching program.
Amd:Gameworks represents a clear and present threat to gamers by deliberately crippling performance on AMD products (40 per cent of the market) to widen the margin in favour of Nvidia products.”
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1 comment to ''Nvidia Vs Amd : War Of Nasty Words "

  1. AMD have to concentrate on products rather than chit chat.


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