The Witcher 3 on Xbox One will hit 900p,1080p on PS4,PC master race will be the best says CD Projekt Red executive producer John Mamais
The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt will hit 900p on xb1 without problem,but our objective to hit 1080p said CD Projekt Red executive producer John MamaisHe also said we are even now optimizing for Xb1,PS4 and Pc so it should appear much far better.Basically it is a cross platform engine so any optimization we do for one platform moves into the other platform and simply speeds it up.On xbox one we will hit 900p with no issue.But we like to get it up to 1080p on Xb1 that our task he said No matter if we can do it or not I do not know.We have became to press everything we can out of the hardware.
Microsoft and Sony say 900p is the lovely position and there is not much difference visually between 900p and 1080p.
He said ps4 is just a a little bit more powerful device.But I think for a longer period both platforms running at 1080p.Developers taking longer to do it than they predicted because the architecture is a little more complicated on the Xbox One.its little easier to develop for xb1 because we are pc developers and both platform are based on dx11.We predict to do 1080p on PS4 a little bit simpler than on the Xb1.The PC master race will be delighted that this version will be the greatest.
The Witcher 3 releases February 24 for Xbox One, PS4 and PC
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