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Watch Dogs PC mod enhances visuals and invisible effects

Watch dogs mod for the PC version has been published to enhance the game graphics more in line with those seen in E3 2012 demo presenting huge improvements to the game lighting style and detail of field effects.

  • Bokeh and DOF for the Main Perspective
  • Micro stuttering and Stuttering Fixes
  • E3 2012 ‘ultra’ Bloom
  • Headlight Dynamic Shadows and Level of Detail Changes
  • Improved Reflection
  • Rain Quality Improved Drastically (they now light up just like in E3)
  • NPC Density Increased
  • Lightning and Flare effects will be out soon (WIP)
Also include to enable many effects apparently hidden deep in the game files such as e3 2012 full bloom and more.This mod also allows shadows from vehicle headlights,rain effects drops and presents variations to reflections.And mod also provide performance improvements presenting a important visual boost more patch and upgrade coming soon.
  click here for download mod 0.6
  click here for download mod 0.7

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