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Why Xbox1 is better than ps4

Ps4 and Xbox one are new gen consoles with almost same price tag,Both have tons of games and quite reliable and prefect for gaming,Ps4 has been providing better experience since the release in all multi platform games,and most of us believe that ps4 is better console than XB1 but there are some features which make XB1 better :
First of all Microsoft's console have ability to switch to tv and gaming instantly by voice command or manually,Time period between switching is very low many users watch channels on daily basis.Ps4 dont have this kind of ability due to absence of hdmi-in port natively.
Xbox kinect make the experience even more snappier and fun with voice command it can do multi tasking just with a snap and giving order to switch apps and pause game and quit game makes it much more cool than  other console.Another cool feature of XB1 is quick resuming the game,Many companies promised to give this kind of ability but at the moment Microsoft is the only brand who understands the importance of you progress and make it quick resume-able at start up ,Ps4 does not have this kind of quality when it loses power all the progress is gone deep down in misery.Sony have good twitch integration for uploading gaming stream or watching to any channel,XB1 don't have integration but it have something better instead known as twitch app,XB1 is way more faster in switching apps and doing work simultaneously ,XB1 users can watch stream and upload their gaming vids while having chatting area at the side ,But ps4 have totally different criteria.
Ps4 have excellent controller with awesome features : audio jack,touchpad and more XB1 don't have all these cool things but instead it have one major improvement Battery Life : it have AA cells inside once you're out of juice put another set of cells and you are ready to go and you can also use quality AA rechargeable cells to maximise life period of controller.On the other side if you are out of juice in ps4's controller you must plug in usb wire and wait for hours for the process of recharging.And the last most important thing better about XB1 is that it gets updates really soon and almost every couple of days,experience of XB1 is getting better and better ,Microsoft also allows to test their beta improvements and provide excellent support to their users and apps.Sony also receives updates but not so frequent

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