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Sniper Elite 3: Gpu-Bounded Runs Good On Old Dual Cores

Sniper Elite was released few days ago ,The Game is classic Action/Stealth/Shooting Game,Powered up with Rebellion-in-house Engine.Sniper Elite V2 was awesome and greatly optimized it would be surprising for you to know tha latest title is better optimized than previous game.
Game looks completely beautiful on all platforms and provides lots of settings to spice the game according to your pc specs and desire.Dynamic lighting is just off the charts it provides excellent fov and shadowing to present a stealth game ,Game also works good with SLI,no drawbacks has been confirmed yet.
Supersampling is the only option requires high end rig in order to play the game with decent fps,We did some experiments on core2duo E6550@ 3.0 ghz and a Gtx 690 and maxed out the game at 1080p with 60+ fps constant,It would be surprising for you to know that an old dual core can hit 120 fps on ultra 1080p in the game.But at some points fps drop to min 61 but avg remains between 80-90.It doesn't ends up here even the game is gpu bounded still Game gets full use of every core,performance goes on increasing from dualcore,tricore,quadcore,pentacore and so on,Which clearly indicates game will perform considerably great on Amd's tri and pentacore processors.

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