Razer new console micro TV just teaser: It is Good for casual and hardcore gaming says Razer
Razer is Gaming Brand and provides quality products but its strange turn towards micro Google's Android tv is strange for me,Device will be released in late year.The news was announced at Google's I/O conference Android Tv is targeted to achieve sponsorship of mobile softwares based on linux platform in new smart Tv and set top boxes and also for some streaming purposes,Razer didnt confirmed the name yet.Razer is kind of proud from their gadget and said it is a new future on consoles and Just like steam new streaming Gadget is also rumoured and addressed by razer that it would be perfect for casual and hardcore gaming along with full box entertainment,Price tag would be also affordable according to some rumours.The Console would be powered by Nvidia chipset and processor would be a high end ARM processor of kepler class.Seems pretty promising for me the gadget is unique in its design and quite innovative.What do you think guys let us know ?
A black Mac Mini ? Lol