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The Witcher 3: System requirements at the moment apply only for 30 fps

In January 2015,CD Projekt revealed the system requirements for their upcoming much anticipated role-playing game The Witcher 3.The recommended requirements need Intel Core i7 3770 and a graphics card  GTX 770 at the moment apply only for 30 fps.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt on the PC provide the best visuals as compare to consoles xbox one and playstation 4 .In earlier January, the Witcher 3 system requirements, Intel Core i7 3770 3.4 GHz, eight GB of RAM and a Geforce GTX 770 or the equivalent AMD hardware. In recent interview with Polish website the managing director Adam Badowski has replay many questions about The witcher 3 also talk about console ports and their resolution and comparatively high requirements for Pc version he also said the developers would work hard every day to make it more polish and further optimize.Badowski also said at the moment the recommended system requirements would be enough for only 30fps. So this is clear that for 60fps u will need more powerful gpu than gtx 770. 

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